Thriving by Design


May 10, 2019 • Mike Clifford • ECHO Digital, ECHO Digital, Zoos + Aquariums

You’ve heard of user-based design. But what does that mean when your users are animals? How do we consider the full range of behaviors, experiences, and abilities of our animal residents? Cheryl Meehan and Brian Greco with AWARE Institute presented their work to understand and provide for the full spectrum of animal thriving. In our recent ECHO Digital topic, we discussed elements of exhibit design that either help or hinder animal thriving in professional care.

5 Key Points

1. Necessity Isn’t Enough

What would it look like to design for animal thriving?

2. One Part Physical

The experience of animals goes beyond what exists within the exhibit.

3. Design for Thriving

Creating a space of curiosity and learning opportunities for the animals.

4. One Part Philosophy

Philosophy and method of animal care should align with the space.

5. Count the Costs

Investing in the quality of life for animals is essential to a great guest experience?


Click here to read the full summary of this ECHO Digital topic.

Next month’s ECHO Digital is on May 14, 3:30 EST.